Xtraordinary Day – Joining Berkshire Bank in a Day of Service

BRK8419 Xtraordinary Social Media Graphics_twittercover_r01Sometimes it’s good to stop and give back. This afternoon, 44 Business Capital did just that at the Drueding Center in Philadelphia. The center is dedicated to renewing lives and restoring hope by working with homeless women and their children to create two generations of self-reliant adults. We swept around the building, weeded the gardens and did a long overdue clean-out of the basement. We also visited the food pantry and spent time with the little kids in the day care center.
IMG_8388 IMG_8389 IMG_839144 Business Capital has long recognized the importance of community service and supporting worthwhile causes within the communities we serve.  One of the driving forces behind merging 44 Business Capital with Berkshire Bank was the alignment of our respective business cultures.  Yesterday was a perfect example as we were afforded the opportunity to close our doors for a half day and give back to our community.  It was a very rewarding and enlightening experience as we learned all about the tremendous programs and compassion of the Drueding Center.  The staff and leadership of 44 Business Capital look forward to continuing this type of support with our new partner – Berkshire Bank, America’s Most Exciting Bank.



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